Monthly Archives: November 2014

Towards Sustainable Liberalism: Lessons from India’s last Frontier for post development Discourse

Stanford March 2014, the ushering of the spring is momentarily broken by a sudden shower of unpredictable rain. Sitting in a room full of scientist and delegates, hydrologist ,geologist and conservation biologists I intently listened to Professor Gretchen Daily Co-Founder and the Director of The Natural Capital Project introduce the objectives of this path breaking science to merge biological conservation and ecology with economics. A diva in the area of sustainability research Gretchen is the ruling proponent of the science of evaluating ecosystem services as a measurable economic deliverable service to people and communities. Widely influential, in the United Nations latest incorporation of the clause of Ecosystem services evaluation as a parameter in the environmental impact assessment Gretchen and her work mainly addressed economic invisibility of nature  has steered contemporary discourse on sustainability.

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The New Human Revolution: Ushering universalism and a just world through Sustainability

Contemporary society is in a transition and deep into the making of the first universal society for mankind, creation of a ‘one world’ where human wellbeing can no longer be separated from other human beings or from planetary welfare. Given the borderless and limitless nature of human existence today, this stage of human history is no less significant than when Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) first elaborated his heliocentric model that was the genesis of a huge epistemological shift in human development with the sun at the centre of the universe.

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